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Design philosophy

The design philosophy of dbkit can be summed up as “decoupling through statefulness”.

Many things about database interaction are already stateful, transactions for instance. While statelessness can, in many areas, help with scalability, it has a negative effect on ease of use: stateless code must always have the context it requires to do its work passed to it.

Implemented poorly, this means that stateless code can end up with assumptions about the kind of contextual information it needs to have to do its job and where it’s much easier to do the wrong thing than to do the right thing.

dbkit aims to solve this, at least for relational database access, by providing an interface that makes the easy solution the right case while still making the difficult stuff possible1.

It does this by decoupling the execution of SQL statements from the connection they’re executed against. This might seem like a small thing, but it has significant consequences: it means that database code need have little if any awareness of the environment it executes in, and what context it does need to have can easily be introspected when needed.

  1. Not that this side of things has been completely solved, but a significant section of the problem definitely has.